Scented Bouquet 100ml Vanilla Gourmet
The Durance scented bouquet
Elegant and inviting, this Scented Bouquet fills your home with the warm and indulgent notes of Vanilla Gourmet. Housed in a refined glass bottle, the rattan sticks absorb the fragrance and release it steadily over several weeks, creating a cozy and delightful ambiance.
Vanilla Gourmet perfume:
A rich and comforting fragrance where the sweetness of vanilla blends with creamy and caramelized notes for a delectable, gourmand experience.
Explained by the nose:
A warm embrace of indulgence, evoking the simple pleasures of cherished moments.
Ideal space: Bedroom and Living Room
Season: Autumn, Winter
Family: Gourmand
Ambiance: Cozy and Inviting
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